Ice durian corona

Yummie factor: 8.
Indonesian dessert.

Despite its corona-like appearance, durian is not harmful as covid2019.

  1. Cook the santan with low fire. Add pandan leaves/essence, sugar, vanilla. Remove from heat once it started boiling. Let it cool. Cool baby!
  2. In a bowl: frozen durian meat, grated ices, garnish with condensed milk and grated cheese (optional).

  • For people who can’t stand durian smell, you can substitute durian with other tropical fruits such as mango, banana.
  • Garnish with grated coconut meat.

  • Use coconut-milk for dessert, which is thinner and sweeter than the normal one.
  • Durian contains alcohol, check with your cleric whether it’s considered as halal.
  • I recommend using pandan leaves and vanilla stalk. In this photo, I used pandan & vanilla essences (& food coloring) for practicality, since I use them also for other cakes and desserts.
  • Caution: according to grandma myths, consuming too much ice could give you cold symptoms.
A non-scientific visual comparison durian vs corona:
