Le poulet rôti au raisin (Roasted chicken in grapes)

Yummie factor: 8
French cuisine.

1. Stuffing: mix bulgur/couscous with boiling water, let it rise 15min. Drain, mix with chives/parsley, lemon-zest,lemon juice, bay leaf, Provencal mixed spices (e.g.tarragon/tijm/rosemary), ras el hanout / Arab mixed spices (optional with couscous), grapes, butter, pepper, beaten egg.
2. The chicken: fill in the whole chicken with the stuffing mix, tie the legs & wings with string (to prevent it from flying away the oven… just kidding), grease the skin with butter & paprika powder.
3. The sauce: beurre manie (butter, flour), garlic, shallots, onions (optional), soya sauce (optional), chicken stock, wine, grapes, pepper. Simmer (sudderen) low heat 15min, remove from heat, add cream, chives/parsley.

Presentation: cut the chicken. Serve with the stuffing mix (bulgur/couscous). Garnish with celery leaves.

Note: a friend asked what is the “b:” means. This blog is generated (template pattern) and the b indicates the sourcefile, was hidden for debugging but I found it’s easier to let this unhidden for fast modifications (and regenerating).

