Fried shrimp with butter sauce (Udang goreng saus mentega)

Yummie factor: 8.5
Chinese Indonesian cooking.

1. Marinade shrimps with salt, pepper, lemon juice.
2. Deep fry the shrimps using mix of oil and butter.
3. The sauce: stir fry garlic, ginger and shallots using mix of oil and butter.. Add kecap manis (sweet soysauce), light soysauce )optional), shaoxing wine, oyster sauce, worcester sauce (optional) , fish sauce (optional), tomato sauce / lemon juice, sugar, pepper (optional). Thicken with water-maizena and butter.

Presentation: garnish with chili peppers, celery/coriander/peterselie leaves.

Variation: using chicken (ayam goreng mentega) / frog (Kodok goreng mentega) / fish(Ikan goreng mentega) / Squid (Cumi goreng mentega). Cover the meat with Kentucky powder (egg & flour/panko) before deep fry. Serve with sla and tomato.


Caveat: butter, soy sauce, fish sauce, oyster sauce are salty, so balance the ingredients to avoid too salty.

