Es campur (Indonesian ice dessert)

Yummie factor: 8.
A popular desserts in Indonesia, SIngapore Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnaam, Cambodia. Now the weather begins to warm, time for ice dessert. The recipe is really simple, just mix all the ingredients in a bowl:

  • Avocado
  • Sliced jackfruit
  • Palm sugar (gula jawa)
  • Sweet condensed milk (e.g. Friesche vlag, the most famous brand in Indo actually).
  • Sago pearls
  • Light Coconut milk
  • Palm seeds (kolang kaling)
  • Cendol dawet (warm the sago powder with water+pandan leaves+green coloring, then push through a sieve in ice cold water.)
  • Ice (shaved)
  • Coconut meat (optional)
  • Jelly (optional)
  • Biji selasih (basil seeds) (optional)
