Sate babi (pork satay BBQ)

Spring & summer are coming, it means BBQ time begins.
Yummie factor: 9.
You can substitute the pork with halal/kosher meat such as beef (e.g. tenderloin, haas) or chicken.

1. Mix (food processor): garlic, shallots, macadamia nuts, coriander seed, hoisin sauce, kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce), sesame oil. Optional: galangal, ginger, cumin, white pepper.
2. Cut the meat (fatty pork e.g. pork belly) in small pieces, marinade with the mix overnight in a refrigerator.
3. Arrange the meat in bamboo-skewers. Grill/bbq the meat (prefer with traditional charcoal ipv gas-bbq). Regularly brush with a mix of melted butter, kecap manis, lemon juice (optional).

Presentation: serve with rice/potato-salad/bread, small limes, kecap manis, sambal (chili sauce), fried onions.

Variation: add honey / char siu powder叉烧 / hot bean sauce in the marinade mix.

  • Kecap manis is a very sweet thick soy sauce, which looks more like molasses syrup than soya sauce, a very popular ingredient for Indonesian cuisine.
  • Haas is a Dutch/Indonesian term for the most tender part of beef loin, I don’t know the term in English (English butcher cut differently than Indonesian butcher I guess).

