Miso (Japanese soup)

Yummie factor: 8
Japanese cooking.

The basic of Miso soup is the dashi broth, a must if you learn Japanese cooking.
1. Preparations: Dip the dried wakame (seaweed) in water (10min). Slices the shitake mushrooms (remove the stem) and (silken)tofu.
2. Make the broth (dashi): boil water with kombu (kelp/seaweed) ,fish stock, garlic, ginger, cayenne pepper (optional), simmer (minimum heat) 2-3 hours. Remove from heat, add bonito flakes (fermented/dried tuna), keep aside briefly, separate the broth using strainer. Add the shitake and wakame, you can bring the broth to boil again (optional). Remove from the heat, add miso paste and rice vinegar (optional).

Presentation: serve with silken tofu, udon (fresh noodle) or (sushi)rice, garnish with spring onions.

Variations: using white fish (e.g. Pangasius) and mix vegetable (bakmi mix).

Notes: many people believe that the fermented ingredients (bonito, miso paste) should only be added after the pan is removed from the heat and should not be bring to boil again, because too high temperature will negatively affect the taste (killing the fermentation agents thus effect the chemical reactions.)
There are also dashi powders/paste in the Asian stores, just add this in boiling water to create the broth.

