Kimchi (Koreans soup with fermented vegetables)

Korean cuisine.
Yummie factor: 8.5

This is one of the Asian soups that every cooking lover should learn (along with Japanese miso, Sichuan soup, Vietnamese pho, Indians lentil soup, Indonesian soto).

You can make the Kimchi vegetable (fermented cabbage) by yourself but it will be much easier to buy a ready-to-use package from Korean/Asian stores.

1. Saute garlic, onions, ginger.
2. Add meat (e.g. pork belly / beef / shrimps / fish filet / chicken).
3. Add Gochujang (hot soybean pasta), sugar, fish sauce, sesame seeds (optional), Gochugaru (chili powder, optional since Gochujang & Kimchi vegetables contain hot chili already).
4. Add Kimchi vegetable (fermented cabbage) and water.
5. Optional: add tofu, Asian mushrooms (e.g. shitake, shimeji, eryngii), broccoli, tauge.

Presentation: serve with rice / noodle, garnish with spring onions.

Variation: with udon noodles.

