Beenham with honey mustard sauce

European (Dutch?) cuisine
Yummie factor: 8.5

A popular recipe in the Netherlands, especially during festivities (Easter, Christmas). I don’t know the English term for beenham but it’s a tender upper part of pork which is sliced to make ham. You can substitute this with beef (e.g. tenderloin), lamb-ribs or chicken for halal/kosher version.

1. Cut (e.g. diagonal pattern) the rind / upper skin of the beenham.
2. Apply honey, mustard, garlic, salt & pepper to the ham. Put the ham in an oven-dish, add rosemary/thyme (prefer the sprigs).
3. Oven 170C, 45min until the cutted upper part is “open”.
4. Wrap the ham with aluminium foil 5min to keep the moisture.

Presentation: slice the ham, serve with mash potato, garnish with chives/parsley.

Variatons: use marple syrup instead of honey, add Balsamico wine vinegar, add Grand-manier.
